This is our dog June from little to now. She is almost a year old . I just love her! She is such a joy and always makes me smile, even if she does listen to Trevor more. Well this summer has been awesome. We have been doing yard work, which is not so fun, but it will be worth it when it is all over and I don't have to lift blocks with millions of earwigs under them. We went on a cruise in May and it was AMAZING! We went to the western Caribbean and it was everything that I could have hoped for. The water was perfect, the weather was perfect, and the food was..well..perfect! But unfortunately I have some food weight to work off. They said on the ship that the typical cruiser gains 1.5 lbs. a day..I did not gain that much, but enough :) My sister had a beautiful baby named Olivia. They are coming this fall and I cannot wait to see them. Monday is our 3 year anniversary which seems so crazy to me. Time has flown by and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. School starts in about 2 weeks which is very depressing, but only 4 more semesters and then no more college! Here are pictures from our cruise. I can't wait to go back!
We met in 2006 and got married in August of 2008! We recently got into our first house that we will hopefully be in for a long time. We have a cute dog and just love her. We love our life :)