Sunday, March 8, 2009

All Nighter!!

So as some of you know Trev works late till early in the morning, so I figured since I don't have school (halleluiah for spring break!) or work tomorrow I would try and stay up as late..or early I possible ha ha. I know it sounds lame, but I don't think I have ever stayed up past maybe two, so I am giving it a try! I don't know what I will do ha ha but oh well :) That is the excitement in my life right now. I am sure if anyone is reading this they will think I am a dork, but if there were no dorks in the world then it would be pretty dull, so I am just making the world a little more brighter :)


  1. you are so funny! Good luck with the all nighter! I could never do it. In fact I will be going to bed here within the next 40 minutes or so! :) I hope you have fun tonight. Too bad Trevor isn't home, but I am sure you will figure something out! :)

  2. Are trying to prep yourself the day you have teenagers and decide to wait to see if they will come home on time? (Favorite trick of Grandma waiting for your dad, especially, or me, but I always gave her the eta.) I am certain you havemn't pulled any study all-nighters, which are common with college students. I only did it once in college during mid-terms and boy did I hit the "payback" over the weekend.
